Is a Treadmill on Your List of Workout Options?
By Tom Herrin
Maintaining health should be a passion for everyone. The problem that so many have is that life sometimes gets in the way. Busy work schedules, family activities, and many other demands tend to throw a roadblock in the way for many. It may seem that the harder they try, the more obstacles they find. Some who are able to minimize demands are able to establish good workout habits that can go a long way in boosting health. For those who fall into the category of being busier than they can manage, finding ways to sneak in a workout becomes the challenge. Many who enjoy running or walking are a little leery of doing so in the late evening hours or out in some place where there are lots of strangers. A good option for many of these people is to use a treadmill.
Treadmills Offer Safety and Security
It is not so much that a treadmill is like a shield, but people are able to use them in the privacy of their homes or in a gym. When using one at home, time is not a factor. They may be able to get on it first thing in the morning or last thing at night or anytime in-between. The climate can be controlled as well, so there is no need to deal with excessive heat or cold. People won't get rained out either.
A Treadmill Can Complement a Weight Loss Program
Anyone who has ever begun a successful program to lose weight is well aware that the first principle is to cut calories. Once they have gotten into a good groove they may be able to supplement their efforts by adding some kind of regular exercise. A treadmill can provide the opportunity to burn calories in small segments. Getting on one for only 10 minutes at a time can produce results. As they get more acclimated, they can add time as they choose.
There Are Plenty of Choices
At one time, the kinds of treadmills available were limited. That is not the case today. When I decided to try one, I found that there were plenty to look at, and they had all kinds of features. I purchased one that is lightweight and easy to move around. It was very affordable yet had enough settings to allow me to choose time, speed, and difficulty. I haven't replaced my outdoor activity with it, but it sure helps me to maintain my condition when being outdoors is not practical.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in South Reno, Nev.