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Cleaning, Cooking, and Chiropractic: A Holiday Guide

By Brandi Goodman 

Certain tasks are common in many households around the holidays. Lots of families spend their time cooking and cleaning, for example. Consider a holiday guide with chiropractic tips to make these jobs easier and less painful to handle. A visit to the chiropractor is also in order.

Cleaning Tips

If you hope to get your home spotless before guests arrive for the holidays, then some chiropractic tips should be considered. Never get all chores done in one day. Pace yourself and get just a few tasks accomplished each day over the course of several so you don't overdo it. You can injure yourself easily if you're pushing your body too hard and rushing through the work. 

Be sure you're using the proper posture in each task you do. Stand on a mat when you do dishes so you aren't standing on the hard floor and putting extra pressure on your back and feet. You can even open the cupboards below the sink and take turns resting a foot inside. 

Cooking Tips

You may find yourself baking goods, cooking a large meal for a gathering, or otherwise spending time in the kitchen around Christmas. Be sure you're using proper posture in these tasks as well. You should stand on a mat in front of the stove so you're not tempted to lean forward on the counter to take pressure off your lower back. 

Don't sit at the table and lean forward as you chop vegetables and stir mixes. You should stand up straight at the counter so you don't find yourself hunching your back and causing yourself discomfort. You may also want to have a helper so you aren't taking on all the cooking duties alone. It will get things done faster.

Seeing Your Chiropractor

Whether you've already started experiencing back pain this holiday season or you want to do your best at preventing it, it's wise to see a chiropractor. A doctor of chiropractic may be able to remove joint restrictions or subluxations that are causing discomfort and limiting your range of motion. An adjustment may also boost your mind-body connection and enhance your immune system so you can get through the holidays without worry of illness. It's just another way you can take care of yourself this season.

Stop in at The Joint Chiropractic for an assessment and adjustment. Pair chiropractic care with some helpful tips and you'll be prepared to make it through the holiday season with as little pain as possible.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Salem, N.H.

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