Hidden Signs You May Be Overtraining
By Sara Butler
Exercise makes you feel great. But even though exercise is a healthy habit, it is possible to do too much of it. Just think of it this way: Fiber is good for you, but too much of it has some serious consequences you probably want to avoid! Exercise is much the same way. If you exercise regularly, then you should definitely be on the lookout for some of the hidden signs that you aren’t allowing your body enough rest.
You’re Exhausted
Exercise should be an energizing activity, but if you’re left feeling exhausted instead of invigorated, then it may be because you’re doing too much. Now, this isn’t the same as feeling a bit tired after a particularly tough sweat session at the gym. This is feeling like if you take another step without a rest, then you might collapse. Take a look at your training and see what your body might be trying to tell you.
You’re Sick All the Time
If you recover from a cold only to get another one right after, then it might be because you’re training too much. This is due to the fact that if you exercise constantly your body has to spend its energy repairing muscles. So, when you come into contact with a virus or bacteria, your immune system simply can’t fight it off like it should. Feeling as if you’re constantly sick is not a state you should be in, so pay attention to it.
Your Legs Feel Heavy
If it’s difficult to get up and get moving without a spring in your step because your legs feel like lead, then that might be because you’re exercising too much. Tired and heavy arms or legs can be a sign that your body just doesn’t have enough time to rejuvenate and repair between workouts.
You’re Irritable
Being irritable can be a sign of overtraining. When you’re worn down and tired, then it’s easier to have even small things set you off. This is why it’s perfectly acceptable to give yourself a workout vacation every once in a while.
Any of these signs could be an indicator that you’re taking your physical training just a little too far. Try to switch up what you’re doing. For example, instead of an hour-long run, try an hour-long yoga class or a walk. Giving your body the rest it needs will only make it stronger in the long run.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Hoboken, N.J.