How Healthy is the Latest Version of Green Juice?
By Stepy Kamei
The green juice trend took over everywhere a few years ago, and just when you think it finally shows signs of stopping, it seems to pick back up again. Celebrities and influencers alike kicked off the trend by posting selfies with their favorite types of green juice, and it's a practice much of the public has taken up in the years since its beginnings. Even if you have never indulged in a green juice cleanse, you've more than likely heard all about it from someone who has. Green juice can be consumed every once in a while, yet many stores that sell green juice advocate for their consumption on a daily basis, in addition to encouraging their customers to engage in regular cleanses by only drinking green juice and nothing else. But is this actually beneficial to your health? And what's the latest trend in green juice that's got celebrities buzzing and posting about it? Turns out, it's all about celery juice! Read on to learn more about the latest craze within this diet fad -- and why it may not be as good for your health as you've been led to think.
All About Green Juice
Simply put, green juice involves juicing green vegetables and drinking what remains. Common ingredients used in green juice include kale, pepper, and spinach, usually combined with other foods such as apples, carrots, and pineapples. On the surface, this sounds like a super healthy and easy way to sneak more vegetables and fruits into your daily routine. However, nutritionists have been very vocal about pointing out that green juice doesn't really provide as many nutritional benefits as many of us may have been led to believe.
First of all, there tends to be a misconception about how much different the juice from a vegetable is from the actual vegetable itself, especially when it comes to nutritional benefits. Whole fresh vegetables are generally loaded with vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. However, when vegetables are juiced, most of these nutrients are stripped away through the juicing process. What you're left with is green juice, and not much else.
Celery Juice: What are the Benefits?
So, does celery juice provide any benefits to a person's diet? Unfortunately, it's much like any other variety of green juice in that it really doesn't provide much benefit to your health and wellness. On top of that, most people agree it doesn't taste great, since no other fruits or spices are added to the mix. Your best bet is to focus on a well-balanced diet consisting of minimally processed foods.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Hoboken, N.J.