Natural Relief From Flu Symptoms
By Stepy Kamei
It's that time of year again -- yes, the holiday decorations and cheer are up in abundance, but so is your risk of catching the seasonal flu. Unlike the common cold, which tends to have milder symptoms and often goes away after just a few days, the flu is often much more severe and can last up to two weeks, or even longer. Since there is no way to cure the flu, if you're stricken with it your best bet is to stay as comfortable as you can while you wait it out.
Fortunately, there are natural remedies available which can help to soothe some of the more intolerable symptoms. These remedies may be able to reduce the length of the virus as well. Take a little bit of time now to read up on some helpful ways to find relief from flu symptoms, so you'll be more prepared to take care of yourself if you do get sick in the coming months.
Stay Hydrated With Soothing Drinks
A very common concern doctors have when their patients have the flu is the risk of dehydration. Best case scenario, you may be avoiding drinking water and fluids since you may have no appetite. Worst case scenario, you'll be unable to even keep liquids down in the first place. If that's the case, be sure to stick solely to water at first, taking small sips at first until you can drink larger amounts of water.
If you're able to keep water down, be sure to continue drinking plenty of fluids to help heal your body. You may also want to consume hot peppermint tea to soothe your throat as well as your stomach. Hot chicken broth can also be very comforting, and provide nutrients if you're having trouble mustering up the appetite to eat solid foods.
Don't Push Yourself
As frustrating as it can be to be sitting in bed day after day when you're sick with the flu, there's nothing your body needs more than to rest. It's OK to listen to your body and sleep when it wants to. Try to cancel as many of your plans as possible, or ask a friend, neighbor, or loved one to help with any chores or work that absolutely need to get done.
Keep Your Diet Bland
It's important to continue eating and getting proper nutrients as you fight the flu, but your stomach may reject foods that are too dense, spicy, or flavorful. Stick with the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast), along with bone broths, crackers, boiled potatoes, oatmeal, and lightly seasoned boiled chicken.
Follow these easy tips in order to cut your sickness time down as much as possible. If your symptoms are very severe or don't seem to be improving at all, be sure to see a healthcare professional right away to get the treatment you need to start feeling better.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Hoboken, N.J.