Chiropractic Care for Knee Pain?
By Amy Silva
There are many causes for knee pain and there are also various treatment options, depending on the cause of it. Many don't know chiropractic care is an option for knee pain prior to seeking prescription medication to manage it. Having an adjustment could be all that's needed, along with a few treatments you can do at home.
Causes of Knee Pain
- Injuries - Oftentimes people obtain knee injuries from physical jobs, or simply by moving the wrong way while lifting or doing daily activities at home. Other knee injuries can be caused by sports or exercising, such as sprains or torn ligaments.
- Arthritis - There are different types of arthritis that can cause achy knees. These can affect people of all ages, and although arthritis is a progressive disease, it may be possible to delay the wearing down of joints.
- Being overweight or obese - Extra weight puts pressure on knees and can cause pain, even during normal everyday activities. It can also wear down the cartilage in the knees much faster than being at a healthy weight.
Home Treatments for Knee Pain
Prevention is the best measure to guard against future knee and joint issues, aside from those that are inherited. Here are some ways you may be able to prevent or treat existing knee pain:
- Staying as active as possible
- Using caution when doing activities that aggravate existing knee pain
- Applying heat or ice
- Wearing a compression sleeve on the knee
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Chiropractic care
How Chiropractic May Help Knee Pain
Many people associate chiropractors with treating the spine, but they can adjust other areas of the skeleton as well. While they may not be able to treat specific knee problems, such as osteoarthritis, they may be able to relieve some of the pain associated with it. For example, if a person walks with a limp due to having knee pain, this may cause their back to go out of alignment, causing pain elsewhere or increased pain to the affected knee. By having an adjustment to the lower back or hips, it may help reduce pain in the knee. The same goes for those with issues aside from arthritis, whether from injury or otherwise.
Seeking chiropractic care and using at home techniques are good options to try prior to visiting a doctor for mild to moderate knee pain. It's possible your pain could be reduced or eliminated, avoiding the need for medication. The chiropractors at The Joint are available evenings and weekends for your convenience, and no appointment is necessary.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in West Caldwell, N.J.