3 Exercises Guaranteed to Make You Sweat
By Genevieve Cunningham
When it comes to working out, there are two groups of people. There are those who are fine with the status quo -- a lap around the track, 20 minutes on a treadmill, etc -- and then there are those who want to feel it. They want to sweat. They want to know without a doubt that their workout was challenging. For the latter group, it’s important to know how to workout to feel this deep burn and get the sweat pouring. If you’re one who likes to feel the burn, take a look at these three exercises that are sure to get you pumped and leave you satisfied.
Jogging and running are both great for the body, but the real sweat inducing workout is in sprinting. Sprinting requires short bursts of massive energy. Though the distance is short, the power behind the move is explosive. It forces quite the challenge on the muscles and lungs, and it’s almost impossible to avoid feeling fatigued by the time the workout is over. If you’re out of shape, it’s OK to begin with one sprint. But if you’re in good health, challenge yourself with five or 10 sprints, go uphill, or alternate sprinting and jogging to get incredible results.
Jumping Rope
If you haven’t done this favorite childhood pastime in a while, you may not remember that it’s actually incredibly difficult. Jumping rope requires both bursts of energy (in the jump) as well as endurance (in the duration of the exercise). Start with only a minute or so to see how it feels. If that’s too easy, try jumping for five minutes. Before long, you’ll hit that challenging spot that gets the sweat dripping down your face and the legs burning.
Cardio With Weights
If you’re looking for a new challenge, try taking your old workouts and simply incorporating weights into the routine. Weights require the muscles to work harder, and you’ll likely feel the burn much faster. Be careful about the approach to using weights … good form is essential to prevent injury. But with careful planning and some small handheld dumbbells, almost any current workout can become one that is more challenging than ever.
A good workout is hard to beat. It makes you feel better in the body as well as the mind. And if the exercise can create sweat and sore muscles, it makes the task feel worth it! Try any or all of these exercises to challenge your body and get moving toward better health and fitness today.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic.