Clean These 5 Things Often for Better Health
By Brandi Goodman
Dust and dirt are everywhere. They do more than just make things in your home look dirty. They can actually wreak havoc on your health if you aren't careful. There are at least five things you should be cleaning often if you want to improve your health and well-being.
Your Phone
So many people keep a phone in their hand for a significant part of the day. You're constantly touching the screen, holding the phone to your face when you make calls, and bringing germs back to it when you touch something else in between. You need to be cleaning your phone regularly to help avoid some health issues.
Your Sheets
You may find yourself sweating at night as you toss and turn in your sleep. Maybe your feet were a bit dirty when you hopped into bed. Perhaps you sit in your bed during the day after you've been out and about. All of this and more can leave bacteria behind and be a cause for concern. Your sheets need regular washing so you don't have to worry about allergens or germs interfering with your respiratory or immune systems.
Your Vacuum
Vacuum cleaners often get pulled from the closet and used without a second thought. You may not realize -- at least until something is clogged and not working -- that the machine actually needs a good cleaning. You need to do more than dump out the contents. You should be wiping down the filter, removing hair from the roller, and even taking things apart once in a while and ensuring all components within are free from debris. Failing to do so means you'll be breathing in all that dust, dander, and more as you use the appliance on your carpets.
Your Steering Wheel
Don't forget about your vehicle. Your home isn't the only place you spend time in. You touch your steering wheel with your bare hands, often grabbing it immediately after touching something else that's dirty -- such as a gas pump. You should be wiping down your wheel often and keeping it germ-free. Don't forget about other surfaces in your car that you touch often, such as the gearshift and even your seat.
Your Children's Bath Toys
If you have little ones, there's most likely a slew of toys left in the bath after their playtime. Just because these toys are in water doesn't mean they're staying clean. You need to be sure you're actually taking the time to disinfect the toys, including putting some soap in the tiny holes of rubber duckies and similar items and making sure to squeeze everything out of it well. If you don't, your children may start squirting out mold. Yuck!
Cleanliness is a major consideration for your health. Living among filth can make it easier for you to get sick, suffer from respiratory problems, and feel overwhelmed and stressed. Keep yourself and your home clean so you can maintain your physical and mental well-being.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Apex, N.C.