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3 Heart-Healthy Tips to Keep Your Ticker Ticking

By Genevieve Cunningham

The heart. This is an area of the body that gets a lot of attention, and that's for good reason. Though the heart is synonymous with love and relationships, it's obviously a lot more important than that. The heart is one thing that we absolutely cannot live without. We need the heart to keep us alive, and we need a healthy heart so that we can actually enjoy life too. But how exactly do we keep the heart healthy? What's the most important part of heart health? While there are many aspects of maintaining a healthy heart, take a look at these three healthy habits that you can start now to start you down the right path. 

Get Some Cardio

Cardio is really good for your heart. The heart is a muscle that continuously pumps blood throughout the body. The better shape your heart is in, the easier it is for it to pump blood efficiently. And how do you get the heart in shape? You exercise it with cardio. Running, walking, aerobics  all of these are great ways to improve your health and keep your heart in good condition throughout your life.

Limit Red Meat

Not all meat is bad, but animal products are one of the worst things for the heart. Why? Because the grease from the product gets clogged in veins and arteries. And this makes it more difficult for the heart to pump blood through them. If you want to keep the heart healthy, then you need a heart healthy diet. This likely limits the amount of red meat that you consume, but should include plenty of fruits and veggies, and plenty of lean meats like chicken and fish.

Take the Right Supplements

Most of the nutrients that we need are received through a proper diet, but sometimes it's also a good idea to take supplements to further enhance health. For the heart, you might consider taking supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, or regular fish oil. These supplements help keep the heart pumping efficiently, and can also make the blood easier to push through. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask your doctor for advice about what to take. 

The heart is absolutely one of the most important parts of your body. You can't live without it, and we need it to enjoy a full and healthy life. Use these tips to promote better health for your heart, and to keep your whole body moving toward wellness and longevity. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Asheville, N.C.

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