Losing Focus: 3 Causes and 3 Solutions
By Genevieve Cunningham
Sometimes it's just hard to focus. Chances are good that you've experienced a few days with low concentration. You've been unable to stay on task. Unable to see projects through to completion. This is completely normal from time to time. But let's be honest with ourselves just a little bit. Sometimes this happens way too often. And when we're in a cycle of low focus, it's so hard to get back on track. Luckily, all hope is not lost. If you need help finding your focus, take a look at this info to get you moving in the right direction.
Here's Why You Can't Concentrate
Hunger or thirst - If you haven't met your basic needs, you're not going to be able to focus on anything. This includes your nutritional needs. If your body is craving food or water, kiss the concentration goodbye.
Multi-tasking - So many of us are guilty of constantly multi-tasking. Why is this bad? Because multi-tasking actually hinders concentration. You don't actually get more done this way. You just get more things half done.
Social Media - Social media is a blessing and a curse. In today's world, a huge number of people lack focus just because of social media. They can't stop opening the app, checking statuses, or mindlessly scrolling. It's damaging to our well-being, and as it turns out, to our productivity as well.
Here's How You Can Regroup
Keep a balanced diet - To keep concentration on track, make sure you're nutritionally fed beforehand. This includes eating healthy snacks and meals and drinking plenty of water. If you can't focus, grab a healthy snack and then come back to your desk when you're done. If nutrition was the problem, your focus will probably return.
Prioritize - The only way to stop multi-tasking is to do one thing at a time. Feel overwhelmed with that thought? Then make a list. Put the most important things at the top, and then work your way down. Before switching to a new item on the list, finish the previous item as much as possible and then put it completely away.
Limit interactions - Beating the distraction of social media is going to take some self-discipline. Try uninstalling the apps. Try getting rid of social media outlets that you rarely use. Stop texting nonstop. Choose a 30-minute window, and use this window to check social media, answer text messages, and waste a little time. When time is up, put it away and get back to work.
Finding and keeping focus is not easy, especially in our modern, fast-paced world. But it's not something that's out of the realm of possibility. It just takes work. And patience. And practice. Use these tips to help get your concentration back on track, and your productivity will likely improve like never before.
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