Early to Bed and Early to Rise Can Improve Health
By Stephen R. Farris
Are you one of those folks who finds it difficult to live by the old saying, "early to bed, early to wise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"? If so, you might be missing out on a lot of healthy benefits.
While it may seem like an old wives tale, it happens to hold much truth. It may not always result in the wealth and wise part, but going to bed early and getting up early can have positive results on your health. That part -- at least -- is true. So what are they?
Time for You
Getting up early means more time for yourself. While everyone else is still asleep, you can have that first cup of coffee in peace. Early risers also have more time to meditate and even plan out their day without being interrupted. It's also a great time to get some form of exercise in.
Not Much Traffic
Early risers have another advantage by not having to deal with bumper-to-bumper traffic in most cases. It may not seem like a lot by dealing with not so much traffic, but there are health benefits associated with it such as:
- Less stress
- Feeling less depressed
- Less aggression and road rage
- You can breath better
You Can Get More Accomplished
The early bird gets the worm, and in the human cause, they actually have more time to get more accomplished by getting up early in the morning. When you get a lot accomplished and still have plenty of daytime left, it can give you a confidence boost and a chance to do a few things you enjoy doing.
Research Says Yes!
Can going to bed early and getting up early actually help improve sleep quality? Research says yes, according to studies. People who are able to get good quality sleep have a better chance to:
- Be in a good mood
- Able to concentrate better
- Less chance of becoming obese or developing certain chronic diseases
- More energy
Unfortunately, with every good thing there are a few drawbacks, especially if you are dealing with a lot of stress in your life, have mental health issues, suffer from insomnia, your age, or unbalanced hormones for example. In these cases, you might consider talking with your doctor or local chiropractor to find out the steps you need to take in order to get better quality sleep and deal with these health issues.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Charlotte, N.C.