Energize Workouts With Chiropractic and Walking
By Sandy Schroeder
Most of us have incorporated walking into our at-home workouts to get outside and stay active. But now it may be time to do more.
The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you staffs a wellness center with licensed chiropractors who can help you find the best ways to work out.
When you talk with your chiropractor, you will learn how a healthy spine helps the whole body thrive. A gentle targeted spinal adjustment may relieve aches and pain and provide a whole new boost in energy and awareness. Benefits are unique to the individual. You may enjoy improved metabolism or better sleep too.
As you assess your benefits you may want to use a 15-minute weekly spinal adjustment to be at your best. At the same time your chiropractor can help you with workout upgrades such as these.
Full Speed Ahead Walking
WellAndGood.com suggests you try these walking tips.
Head for the hills - Look for the nearest hilly area and power walk up the hills to tighten your glutes. As you walk back down keep the weight on your heels and squeeze your glutes.
Alternate speeds - Turn your walk into a workout by moving from bursts of speed to periods of recovery. See how speed bursts work for you and thread them through your walk.
Weigh in - Toting some weight on your back can turn a simple walk into a complete workout. Fill a backpack with books or packages and then head out for a tougher workout. Make sure you keep your core engaged. You may breathe a little harder, but gradually you will adapt to the change. If it's too much, lighten the load a little and add more weight later.
Hit the stairs - Use stairs wherever you find them. Place the entire foot on each step and walk on up at a normal pace to get your heart rate up.
Add a few lunges - Walk for five minutes at a brisk pace then move into a minute of walking lunges. Walk and lunge as much as you can. By the time you finish your whole body will be feeling the workout. Walking will always be a prime resource, but upgrading it will take it to a whole new level. Try it.
When you are ready to move faster, visit The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. Walk-ins are welcome.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Charlotte, N.C.