How Can You Stop Eating Late at Night?
By Randi Morse
Most people know that it's not advisable to eat right before you go swimming, but did you know that it's also not advisable to eat right before bed? If you eat before you go to sleep, your digestive track needs to expand energy to digest the food. This energy can prevent you from getting restful sleep as your body needs to expand even more energy than normal as the digestive track is designed to work when you are upright, not lying down. It can be hard to stop eating meals later in the evening when you have been doing it for so long, so here are a few tips that can help you stop eating before bed.
Why You're Eating
One of the easiest ways to stop eating meals late at night is to figure out why you are eating meals so late. Some people plan their day poorly and find that they are starving at night, others eat because they're bored or because it has turned into a habit. If you have consumed enough calories during the day, your body should not be signaling that you're hungry, which means that you're either eating out of boredom or eating out of habit.
Plan Your Meals
One of the easiest ways to stop eating at night is to meal plan. Meal planning is not as complicated as it may seem. There are some people who take an extreme view of meal planning and spend one whole day a week creating elaborate lunches and dinners to be heated up later in the week. Truly, the only thing you need to do in order to meal plan is write down what you're going to be eating each day. Keep it simple by planning easy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and put down options for healthy snacks. By meal planning, you are ensuring that you are getting enough nutrition in your diet that you shouldn't need anything to eat late in the evening hours.
Getting into a routine is a great way to stop eating late at night. Most of us live our lives on a daily schedule, getting up and going to sleep around the same time each day. If you plan your mealtimes around your schedule, it will be much easier to break the habit of eating late at night. It's important to remember that you don't have to be extremely strict with your routine, just make sure that you are eating roughly around the same time every day.
It can be difficult to change your eating habits, but if you are able to stop eating before bed you will not only find your sleep is more restful, you may also lose weight as well.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Greensboro, N.C.