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Slowing Down Work Stress During the Holidays

By Randi Morse

During this time of year it often feels like you experience every ounce of work stress possible. People are rushing here and there, deadlines are looming and it feels like you simply can't catch up. As the holidays approach there is more and more pressure put on employees. It's important to focus on your mental health during this time of year. Far too often you hear people complain about the holiday and wish that it was over, but if you learn to eliminate some of your work stress you'll find that it's much easier to enjoy the holiday season.

It's Not About You

We often make the mistake of thinking that people who are lashing out at us are mad at us for something we did or said. This time of year is so stressful that it's very likely that anyone who is snapping at you or who acts grouchy toward you likely isn't mad at you. They are feeling the same amount of stress that you're feeling and it's often easier to take your frustration out on your co-workers than it is to take them out on friends and family. When someone at work snaps at you, take a deep breath and remember that they may be going through something and their overflowing emotions are landing on you. 

Taking 10 Minutes

When you feel you're getting overly stressed, and everything seems like it's crashing down on you at the same time, take 10 minutes. Take 10 minutes to yourself, but don't wait until you are at home to do so. Find a time during the day when your leaving won't be disruptive to your employer, find a quiet spot, and take 10 minutes to simply close your eyes and breathe. If you have an office, shut and lock the door and draw the blinds. If you don't have an office, you may find some peace by simply going to your car, sitting in the back seat and doing some deep breathing. In taking 10 minutes out of your day to allow your body to relax, you're allowing it to recharge. Those 10 minutes can help you be calm enough to face the rest of your day at a much lower stress level.

The holidays shouldn't be a time of stress, they should be a time when you get to enjoy friends and family. Remember that everyone you work with is likely dealing with the same stresses that you are and find 10 minutes during your work day to rest and recharge in order to help get rid of a great deal of work-related stress.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Rocky River, Ohio.

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