How to Actually Enjoy Your Time Off This Summer
By Genevieve Cunningham
Everyone needs time off. If we don't ever take any time for ourselves, we'll be overworked, stressed, and eventually sick. With the summer upon us, it's a great time to take a few days and relax. But for many people, it's the relaxation part that's hard. While you're off work, you think about all that you need to get done. Your body might not be at the office, but your brain is still ramped up and stressing over everything that needs to be accomplished. So how do we stop and actually enjoy our time off? If you need help turning off your brain and relaxing into your vacation, take a look at these tips to help you enjoy your break.
Get Away From Home
Sometimes in order to really relax, we need a completely new environment. If this is you, get away from your house and the office and anything else that reminds you of work. If this means booking a trip across the country, save your money and go. If it means a day trip, that's fine too. But if you can't relax at home, go somewhere where relaxation is inevitable.
Turn Off the Electronics
Electronics keep us connected and plugged in. While this is good on a normal day, it's not good for vacation time. Real vacations allow us to unplug from the real world and responsibilities. Even if you're just staying home, turn off your phone and laptop and get away from those electronic devices. Check them on occasion if necessary, but the more you unplug, the more relaxed you're going to feel at the vacation's end.
Engage in a Specific Activity
Sometimes the best way to get your mind off of work is to spend your mental space and energy on something else. Learn something new on your break. Go visit a museum with a guide and really listen. Pick up a cool craft idea and attempt it on your time off. If your brain goes straight to work at the first opportunity, make sure your mind is fully engaged elsewhere in order to let that mental strain go for the duration of your time off.
If you're not going to let work go during your time off, you may as well be at the office! Don't let that happen to you. Use these tips to fully engage in your break, and come back refreshed, relaxed, and motivated to start again with better health and a much more positive outlook.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Happy Valley, Ore.