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Work Safely Outdoors With These 5 Chiropractic Tips

By Brandi Goodman 

Lots of professions require outdoor work. From construction to farming, men and women in these outdoor-centered fields need to use extreme caution while tackling their job duties. With some chiropractic tips, people who work outdoors can do so safely and as pain-free as possible.

Drink Water Often

Water is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. This includes remaining healthy on the job. You need to keep your joints and muscles hydrated so they can remain as flexible as possible. Doing so prevents injuries. It's best to keep a water bottle or even gallon of water filled and nearby so you can drink it as often as possible throughout the day. 

Use Ergonomic Tools and Equipment

Though some may have certain equipment their employer provides, others get to bring their own equipment and tools to the job site. In this case, it is best that you purchase ergonomic supplies that will allow for efficient and pain-free use. These types of tools are easier on the body and can prevent injury. 

Choose Supportive Footwear

Most employers have a rule about the footwear you have to use for the job. Outdoor jobs often require steel-toed boots that protect the feet. You should search for more than just a heavy-duty pair. It is also important to choose supportive footwear that does not feel too heavy or cause pain when you wear them. There are lightweight and cushioned steel-toed shoes that you can choose. 

Stretch Regularly

Before you head into work, while you're on the job, and after you've finished your shift, you should stretch your body. A few simple stretches can go a long way toward improving flexibility and preventing job-related injuries. The lower body, shoulders, and arms should be equally stretched. These areas tend to see the most used during strenuous work tasks. 

Get Routine Chiropractic Care

The chiropractor can be an outdoor worker's best friend. The strain put on the body during a job of this nature can be hard to eliminate with self-care. It can't always be prevented, either, even with these precautions in mind. Routine chiropractic care can help to keep the body as healthy and limber as possible so it can handle the workload. 

Workers looking to ease tension after a long day can stop in at The Joint Chiropractic to find relief. Joint restrictions within the body, as well as tension caused from a repetitive and strenuous workload, can all play a part in how the body feels and moves. Chiropractic care should help tremendously, along with following the provided tips for prevention. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Portland, Ore.

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