3 Chiropractic Tips to Use on Moving Day
By Brandi Goodman
Many people wait until the spring or summer months when it's warm outside to move. Before this day arrives, it's important to learn how best to handle the move without worrying about hurting your back and body. With a few tips from a chiropractor, you can keep your move pain-free. Keep in mind these tips are good for everyone whether they have a move in their future or not.
Bend at the Knees and Lift With the Legs
Bending over and grabbing a heavy box is never recommended. This puts serious strain on your back and can quickly lead to injury. Instead, you need to bend at your knees and lift your body weight and the weight of the box you're grabbing with your legs. You are far less likely to injure yourself by using this method. If you have weak knees, using a knee brace may prove beneficial.
Use Cruise Control During Your Drive
For those moving to a faraway location, the drive can be the part that takes the biggest toll on the body. It's important to keep the feet flat on the floor of the car so that stress isn't transferred to your back. You may not be able to do this as the driver, but there will be periods of time when cruise control is an option. The cruise control setting allows you to keep both feet flat without having to worry about keeping your foot on the gas pedal since the car automatically maintains the speed you were at prior to setting this control.
Start the Process Early
Waiting until the week of the move to pack everything and get things taken care of can cause a lot of pain (and stress) for your body. You'll be doing far too much in such a short time. It's important to start the process early. If you know that you'll be moving in a few months, go ahead and pack some of the items you don't need readily available, such as holiday decorations or special serving dishes. Doing a little at a time gives you more of a chance to recover in-between and doesn't leave such a heavy load on your shoulders when it gets close to time to move.
Moving can cause a lot of stress on the body and lead to injury if people don't use precautions. Take advice from a chiropractor and work carefully and smart if you want to avoid pain. Visit The Joint Chiropractic before you move so you can get any joint restrictions removed and ensure your body is prepared to handle the strenuous work. You'd be surprised how much it can help.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Portland, Ore.