A Strong Immune System for a Healthy Year
By Donna Stark
Sure, there are specific seasons throughout the year when sickness reigns supreme, but just because those times have come and gone, it doesn't mean that we should take a break from maintaining and strengthening our immune system. After all, we know that there is no way to completely protect ourselves from all of the germs around us, and if children are in the picture? Well, we should wave that white flag of surrender now because they can expose us to millions of germs on a daily basis.
Boosting Your Immune System
OK, maybe millions was an exaggeration, but my point is that you can never let your guard down. You have to consistently give your immune system exactly what it needs to function at its very best. And if you find yourself getting sick more often than those around you, it may be time to take a look at new ways to strengthen your immunity. Here are a few tips.
- Drink more water - Drinking the recommended amount of water is a no-brainer, but did you know that doing so can also help to improve your immune system? Water plays an important role in carrying oxygen to your body's cells and removing toxins from the body, both of which can significantly impact your immune system. You can even add some more punch (Vitamin C) to your immunity-boosting power by adding lemon to your water.
- Add supplements - Zinc, Vitamin D, and probiotics are known for boosting the immune system. Just be sure that you are not using these as replacements to a healthy diet and that you have the official OK from your doctor!
- Skip the sugar - Refined sugar, otherwise known as the anti-nutrient, can create havoc on our bodies if we consume too much of it! It is best if you can reduce or eliminate most, if not all, from your diet. Sugar has a way of depleting nutrients and when that happens, your immune system faces a greater challenge in fighting off illnesses.
- Get adjusted - Seeing your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic can boost your immune system as well! How? Well, chiropractic care removes the joint restrictions and nerve interference in your body that may be causing your nervous and immune systems to function improperly. By properly aligning the spine, the communication signals sent between your brain and the rest of your body can flow freely!
Getting Sick Less Often
Don't you want to be the person that gets sick "less often" as opposed to the one that gets sick "more often" than those around you? It doesn't take much to give your immune system a boost, so start today and make room for better health!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Huntingdon Valley, Pa.