Healthy Eating During Football Season
By Donna Stark
Watching a football game at home is never the same as watching it from the bleachers, but there is a special perk that makes up for not being in those stadium seats ... football party food! Have you noticed how delicious the food is when you and your friends gather on Saturday or Sunday afternoons for the games? Why, it's out of this world! But do you know what else is out of this world? The number of calories and fat you are consuming when you sit down to eat while watching your favorite teams compete against each other! One of the biggest challenges you may face during the next couple of months is how to maintain healthy eating habits during the football season, but don't worry! Your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic have some great suggestions to share!
Plan Wisely Before the Game
The best thing about watching a football game at home rather than in the stadium is that you have total control over what types of food are served. You don't have to worry about trying to find something healthy at the food stands because you can make whatever you like for yourself at home. Take a look at some simple ways you can offer healthier food to everyone in attendance.
- Skip the nachos and fries by setting out baked chips, pretzels, hummus, and homemade guacamole
- Say "No" to sodas by offering your guest infused waters and tea
- Replace your normal order of chicken wings by dry-rubbing and baking some of your own
- Serve grilled chicken or fish instead of greasy burgers or corn dogs
- Be sure to replace the ice cream bars and candy with fresh fruit and black-bean brownies
And don't forget, if you consume a nutrient-dense breakfast and lunch before the games begin, you will be less likely to indulge and overeat while watching them! So, fill up with some healthy meals ahead of time.
Healthier Eating During the Best Season of the Year
Don't let any unhealthy eating habits during the football season cause you to be a few pounds heavier than what you were before it started. Try to follow the tips above and make those simple changes to your Sunday afternoon menu. In addition to keeping you on the path to great health, it can help keep your loved ones on the same path too! And that's exactly what everybody needs as they cheer for their favorite teams to win this season! Good luck!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Newtown Square, Pa.