How to Get Better Rest in Less Time
By Genevieve Cunningham
Getting more rest is probably something that you would really enjoy. Since most people don't get enough sleep, we are all walking around tired and rundown. But for some reason, we just can't seem to get the rest that we need. Is it something in the air? Or is it possibly our own fault? If you really need to improve the rest that you get, but you don't necessarily have more time, take a look at these tips for getting better rest in less time for better health overall.
Perfect Your Surroundings
Your surroundings play a huge role in the way that you feel every day. If your bedroom surroundings are uncomfortable, then you're not going to be able to relax enough to get good rest. Try to perfect your surroundings as much as you can. Clean and organize your sleeping space. Make sure that you have plenty of pillows and blankets available. Make sure that the temperature in your room is comfortable. Keep electronics off -- or at least away from the bed. Making your surroundings sleep friendly can truly enhance the quality of rest that you get every night.
Stick to a Routine
Routines are everything in life. A routine might help you wind down and fall asleep more deeply. Do you have a bedtime routine? Chances are good that the answer is no. Now is a good time to create one. It might include a hot shower, hot tea, and some time alone. Whatever works for you, do it. And then do it every single night. The more routine your bedtime ritual is, the better sleep you're eventually going to get.
Limit Distractions
In today's world, we distract ourselves almost constantly. If you're doing this at night, then it's entirely possible that your rest is interrupted. Try to limit your distractions as much as possible. This might mean turning off the TV. It might mean silencing your phone. Whatever needs to be done, do it. The fewer distractions, the easier it is to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night..
It might not feel like it, but it's entirely possible to turn around your habits and improve your sleep. It will take some work, and it might take some changes. But if you're serious about it, then you can really enhance your rest and feel better about your life every day. Use these tips to make it happen, and feel better about your health starting now.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pittsburgh, Pa.