Keep Your Shoulders in Shape with Chiropractic
By Sandy Schroeder
The shoulder is a complex joint that benefits from stretching to keep the shoulder muscles long and flexible. When the muscles tighten they are more vulnerable to injury. Arthritis or tears or tendonitis in the rotor cuff can make simple daily tasks a pain. Raising arms or reaching out to open a door can become a big deal. Avoiding shoulder pain could start with a visit to your local chiropractor's center.
How Chiropractic Can Help
The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you staffs a wellness center with licensed chiropractors who are well equipped to help you keep your shoulders healthy.
When you come in, your chiropractor will ask about pain and review your health history. You will learn how improving spinal health can often play out in better overall health.
Gentle targeted spinal adjustments may ease aches and pain and create an overall feeling of well-being with better sleep, less stress, or more alertness. As you evaluate your benefits you may find weekly 15-minute spinal adjustments will keep the wellness coming, and serve as a platform for shoulder exercises such as these stretches from Harvard Health.
All you need is a wall or doorway to do these stretches 3 to 7 times a week. Pace yourself and avoid stretching for too long or too forcefully. Stay hydrated and stand up straight as you exercise.
Climb the Wall
- Stand facing a wall
- Extend the right arm with elbow soft and place hand on wall at shoulder height
- Gradually walk fingers upward moving in toward wall
- Stop when you feel shoulder tension
- Hold 10 to 30 seconds
- Walk fingers back down the wall returning to starting position
Shoulder and Chest Stretch
- Stand next to a doorway or wall
- Extend right arm and put right hand on edge of door palm forward
- Keep shoulders down and back
- Gradually turn your body to left away from door frame until you feel a stretch in shoulder and chest
- Hold 10 to 30 seconds
Improve Posture
Along with stretching, posture exercises will help you reverse the tendency to slump. With a shoulder blade squeeze, pull shoulder blades back and hold for a few seconds. Do 20 repetitions 2 to 3 times a day.
Strengthen Shoulders
Improve rotor cuffs. Sit or stand and straighten arms and lift from sides to form the letter "T." Hold a moment and then lower. Repeat the exercise 15 times a day.
When you are ready to get your shoulders in shape stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. Find out about the affordable personal healthcare plans that eliminate the hassle of insurance. No appointments are needed and clinics are open weekends and evenings.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lexington, S.C.