Everyone Needs to Drink Water
By Donna Stark
No matter how many differences we have with one another, there is a common thread in life that links us all together. Whether you are a part-time retail clerk or the company's CEO, a Little League baseball player or a superstar athlete, a student council representative or a head of state, your body needs what everyone else in the world is needing as well ... and that is adequate hydration. Now on one hand, there are those who get plenty of hydration, but on the other, many people do not, and that can lead to a host of issues down the road. And even though we all know that drinking water is important, have you ever taken the time to really think about why? Well, here's your chance.
Drink Your Water
Staying properly hydrated is one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health and wellness. In fact, there are so many benefits that come from it, few other things can compare! Let's take a look at some of the biggest reasons why you should keep a bottle of water nearby you.
- Cleanses toxins - Drinking the recommended amount of water each day will help to flush out bacteria and toxins that are vacationing in your body. Studies show that the more water you drink, the better your kidneys can function.
- Clears skin - Drinking water helps to keep your skin properly hydrated which can reduce the risk of dryness, premature aging, and acne breakouts.
- Supports a healthy weight - Weight loss and maintenance is a huge benefit that comes with drinking the recommended amount of water. In addition to avoiding all of those calories that soda, juice, and sugary drinks bring, water also makes you feel fuller than what you really are!
- Increases cognitive skills - If your brain is not getting the hydration it needs, your mental capacity can be significantly impacted. As a result, you may find that your concentration, focus, and thought-processes are severely limited.
- Prevents headaches - It can feel like a dull headache or a severe migraine, but no matter how intense the pain is, the cause may be from dehydration. So instead of reaching for those painkillers, try to manage those headaches by adding more water to your day.
Make it a Habit
It isn't reasonable to think that a single glass of water will cure all of your ills, so try to drink the amount of water that your body requires and make that consumption a daily habit. Consistent hydration is key, and although it can be difficult to make the necessary adjustments to establish a new habit, the changes in your health and wellness will make it all worth it!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Franklin, Tenn.