Stop Spinning With Chiropractic Vertigo Treatment
By Chris Brown
Vertigo, or the sudden false sense of movement, can send a sufferer dizzyingly spinning in a moment's notice. This uneasy feeling manifests from a range of causes including ear canal fluid buildup, migraines, head injuries, or whiplash. Cervical vertigo (cervicogenic dizziness) is a type of vertigo in which dizziness occurs from a neck-related sensation or movement. It is a common cause of the dizziness which affects up to 40 percent of people after the age of 40. Chiropractic's expertise in correcting vertebral disfunctions can target one direct cause of cervical vertigo, potentially relieving symptoms altogether.
Lingering Dizzying Trauma
Cervical vertigo is believed to be caused by a disruption of blood flow from the neck to the brain. This usually results from traumatic injury or chronic spinal wear that causes vertebrae to contact and restrict arteries in the neck. One case study included a woman whose cervical vertigo kicked off after an awkwardly angled shampooing at her hairdresser. Without correction, vertigo will continue to occur, especially with neck movement. That is why immediate intervention by a trained doctor is highly important to achieving vertigo relief.
Chiropractic's Corrective Touch
Since cervical vertigo is caused by blood flow disruptions in the neck, chiropractic is uniquely qualified to correct the core issue. Mainstream medicine suggests muscle relaxants and pain medication as a primary treatment. However, neither of these offer a permanent solution for vertigo and pain relief. Chiropractic can help assess root cause spinal injury in cervical vertigo and work to correct any dysfunctions. In a 2005 systematic review of the scientific literature, manipulative therapy reduced vertigo symptoms in all nine reviewed studies. One such study found that 77.4 percent of cervical vertigo patients with identified neck trauma had significant improvement following manual manipulation, with five patients being completely relieved of vertigo. It is important to note that in cases in which neck dysfunctions were not identified, manual manipulation only resulted in a 26.3 percent success rate of reduced symptoms.
A specific case of a 24-year-old female with a two-year history of cervical vertigo found astonishing results from chiropractic manipulation. In her case, the patient attended 12 sessions of chiropractic over a month period and reported complete relief of dizziness and neck pain following treatment. To further correct her forward head posture, the patient continued treatment once monthly and saw postural benefits in addition to her pain relief at the seven-month follow-up.
Chiropractic can be highly effective for correcting cervical vertigo caused by spinal dysfunctions. The doctors at The Joint Chiropractic are here to help with convenient walk-in treatments and affordable, insurance-free pricing. Don't let dizziness hinder your life another day. Seek ease at one of The Joint's 500-plus clinics nationwide.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Knoxville, Tenn.