Keep Your Spine Healthy With Chiropractic Care
By Paul Rothbart
It goes without saying that without a healthy spine, you will not have a healthy or high quality life. The spine is the backbone; it supports everything. The rest of the bones attach to the spine and major nerves run through it connecting body and brain and making every aspect of living possibility. All of this is common knowledge. What you may not know is what can happen to impair the spine and what to do to prevent it. Here is some information everyone should know about the spine.
The Vertebrae
The spine is made up of a series of bones called the vertebrae. They run from the lower back all the way up into the neck at the base of the skull. Vertebrae have a hard outside and a soft inside. The spinal cord is inside this softer bone where it is protected. The outer bone has the difficult job of supporting the bulk of the weight placed upon your spine. In a healthy spine the vertebrae line up straight with a natural curve leading to the lower back. Any deviation from this can cause a number of health issues and pain.
The Discs
In between the vertebrae are the intervertebral discs. Like the vertebrae, they have a hard outer ring and a soft tissue inside. The discs place a cushion between the vertebrae and act to absorb stress placed upon the spine, thus keeping it straight. The discs are equal in importance to the vertebrae. They act as a team to support the body and protect the spinal column.
Potential Problems
The spine has a tough job and is subject to a considerable amount of stress. Vertebrae can sometimes be shifted causing a subluxation. This is a painful and debilitating condition that, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious problems. Discs are also sometimes compressed between vertebrae. In this position, they are unable to cushion the spine the way they should and pain is the result. This is where regular chiropractic visits can be very helpful. A chiropractor will find subluxation and compressed discs and is trained to gently manipulate the spine and correct the problems. Pain is relieved and the spine functions in a healthy manner.
Keeping your spine healthy is essential to being active and enjoying life. Consider paying a visit to The Joint Chiropractic. No appointment is needed and the rates are affordable. Like dental care, seeing a chiropractor regularly can keep your spine in top shape, allowing you to stay healthy, active, and productive.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Knoxville, Tenn.