The Many Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
By Stepy Kamei
Whether you've heard of them or not, omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important to your overall health and well-being. It may seem strange that a nutrient with the words "fatty" and "acid" in its name is considered good for you, but numerous studies have shown that this is exactly the case. It will only benefit you to read up on the nature of omega-3 fatty acids so that you'll be more understanding of why you should make sure to get enough of this vital nutrient into your daily diet. Keep on reading to learn more about omega-3 fatty acids, as well as find out which foods you should be eating more of in order to obtain this important nutrient.
What Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Do?
It turns out that this nutrient provides more than a few important benefits to the health and wellness of the body and mind. Yes, consuming plenty of omega-3 fatty acids can aide both your physical as well as your mental health and well-being.
Fights Depression and Reduces Anxiety
More than a few scientific studies have shown that people who consume foods which contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids tend to experience a reduced risk of developing depression and anxiety. Or, they are more likely to see reduced symptoms, if they already have been diagnosed with either of these conditions in the past. There are three distinct types of omega-3 fatty acid, known as ALA, EPA, and DHA. Fortunately, all of these have been found to be useful when fighting depression and anxiety.
Promote Brain Health
One of the top reasons why so many nutritionists encourage the consumption of this nutrient is because it's known to have a noticeable impact when it comes to improving brain health. These fatty acids have been proven to boost levels of concentration and focus, while reducing the risk of developing brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.
Boost Heart Health
Finally, scientists and nutritionists alike know that this nutrient is fundamentally in keeping the heart healthy and strong. That's because omega-3s can prevent harmful blood clots, lower blood pressure, reduce plaque buildup in the arteries, and fight off harmful inflammation as well. These are all excellent ways in which heart health is taken care of.
Top Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Fortunately, omega-3s can be found in many natural food sources. Fatty fish, nuts, chia seeds, and olive oil are all great examples of where to get omega-3s naturally. You may want to consult with your primary healthcare provider about starting up an omega-3 supplement for an alternative way to get plenty of this vital nutrient in your daily life.
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