Try Skating Your Way to Better Health
By Tom Herrin
With all of the possible activities available for any of us to choose from, why do we end up so often with those that are mundane and boring. Of course, some of us prefer to exercise in a way that we can count on. Repetition works well for some. Part of this is due to the fact that it is something we know is there. It is structured. Others of us prefer something that is quite the opposite. We want variety and more excitement. This is possible if we will simply look and make some different choices. Creativity may pave the way to greater success as we look for ways to workout.
Skating Is Not What It Once Was
When I was young, it was a real struggle every time I attempted to skate. The skates were clumsy and difficult to use. I could never stay up for any length of time. Even though I know some people who handled them well, it I was not one of them. The skates on the market today are much better. Rollerblades have a much different design. They are lightweight and pretty easy to use. You can skate almost anywhere that is flat, and if you enjoy it, it can be good exercise. I see people skating around all over the place.
Play Tennis
If you have never played tennis, you may not understand the game. The scoring is funny. It is a game that you can play at whatever intensity level you want. You can play with a partner or alone. With the ability to adjust what you do, you can make it the workout you need. I enjoy playing, though I am not too good. You don't have to be. Another good game is golf. If tennis is not your thing, you may want to consider a little golf, but don't expect to be good right away if you've never played; people go entire lifetimes trying to reach par.
Swim for It
Many of us swim for enjoyment in the summertime. It may be the classic summer activity. Some people swim as they attempt to recover from injuries, illness, or surgery. It is a good low stress activity as the water helps to support body weight. Many individuals swim until they are into their 80s and 90s as it helps to keep them active. There is no shortage of places to do it because there are indoor pools all over.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Murfreesboro, Tenn.