Spring Allergies: 3 Ways to End the Suffering
By Genevieve Cunningham
Spring brings a lot of good things into our lives. It brings flowers and rain and a nice breeze. It brings get-togethers with friends and fresh fruit and outdoor activities. But not everything about spring is so welcoming. With the warm weather and blooming plants, we also get the much dreaded allergy season. Allergies tend to flare up in the spring, and when they do, it's hard to feel your best. So are we stuck with stuffy noses and watery eyes until summer? Not necessarily. If you're looking to end the allergy frustration, take a look at these tips for getting them under control this spring.
Get Some Allergy Medications
Allergies are so incredibly common. Most people have some kind of allergy problems -- and they tend to come out more than ever in the spring. But because they're so prevalent, medication to deal with the allergies are prevalent as well. Just head to your local pharmacy for some over-the-counter relief. And if one of these options isn't strong enough, consider heading to the doctor for something just a little more powerful.
Get an Air Purifier
Spring is a good time to invest in an air purifier. Air purifiers help take pollen and dust out of the air, and then circulate clean air in your home. It won't help much when you're outdoors, but it can make a big difference when you're in the comfort of your own home. You can find a good air purifier at a local store, or you can do a quick search online for something high quality and affordable all in one.
Remove and Avoid Allergens
While there's little you can do about the pollen in the wind, there's huge measures you can take to remove or avoid pollen from your personal belongings -- and yourself! If you're coming in from outside, consider changing clothes and taking a shower. If you have to do tasks such as mow the lawn or work in the garden, consider wearing a mask to keep the pollen away. If you know it's a high pollen count day, consider limiting your time outdoors. While we certainly can't avoid it all, we can make a dent in the amount of pollen we're exposed to on a daily basis.
Allergies, familiar to almost everyone, can certainly make life more difficult. They can make you feel terrible! Stuffy head, watery eyes, headache -- the works. While we may not be able to skip allergy season altogether, there are things we can do to keep the allergy issues at bay. Use these tips to manage your allergies so that you can enjoy all the other things the season has to offer.
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