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Your Blueprint for a Healthy School Year

By Brandi Goodman  

With school already underway for a lot of students, and soon to start for others, it's time to start thinking about how to keep your kids healthy and feeling well. A blueprint for a healthy school year can help you make sure the year goes as smoothly as possible with less illness to worry about keeping your kids home and feeling under the weather. 

Start Them With a Healthy Breakfast

A healthy and nutritious breakfast can help set the tone for a good day. Your kids need the nutrition in the morning to get their bodies going and ensure they have the nutrients they need to keep their concentration levels high and their stomachs growl-free. Eggs and a piece of fruit is one option. Greek yogurt, fruit, and nuts is another. Just make it's full of protein and avoid sugary, on-the-go snacks.

Send a Lunch

Many schools do not have very healthy options when it comes to lunch. You should pack a lunch at home instead to send with your children. Create a healthy meal option that will keep them satisfied and give their brains and bodies the nutrients they need to thrive. Pack a fruit, vegetable, bottle of water, and an option for a protein that will satisfy their hunger. 

Set a Sleep Schedule

Adequate sleep will help ensure your child makes it through each school day. Setting a sleep schedule can be a big help in making sure your kids get to bed around the same time each night and are ready to wake at the appropriate time. Make sure they stick close to this even on the weekends and on holiday breaks as well. It will make it easier to maintain for the entire school year.

Send Hand Sanitizer and Encourage Frequent Handwashing

Illness is spread easily from one child to the next. Make sure you're encouraging frequent handwashing so your kids understand the importance of washing after they touch shared surfaces. You should also send hand sanitizer so they can use that when a sink is not readily available. It will help them wash germs away from their hands so they limit their potential of getting sick. 

A healthy school year starts at home. You should do everything in your power to help your child have a nutritious breakfast and lunch that will keep their brains working well. With a sleep schedule set and regular hand washing practiced, your kids should have a healthy school year that keeps them on the right track in many aspects. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Baytown, Tex.

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