Spring Clean Your Body With These 3 Foods
By Genevieve Cunningham
Spring is almost here, and that means that people are beginning to think about the dreaded task of spring cleaning. Though we all like the way that it feels when it’s finished, no one really enjoys the actual task. Unfortunately, it has to be done … and if you want to know the truth, it should be done in more ways than one. Sure, spring cleaning your house is a good idea. But what about your body? Keeping your body clean is even more important in the long run. If you’re ready to boost your health and get in the spring spirit, take a look at these three foods that can help clean out your body and keep you feeling your best.
Let’s start with the easiest, and possibly the most effective. Drinking water is an excellent way to get your digestive tract moving, remove toxins and waste, and boost your energy. And it’s easy and inexpensive to do. Just add a glass of water before every meal, at every break, and sip as often as you think about it. This can drastically improve your health and will definitely help get your body ready for spring.
Leafy Greens
Dark leafy greens are an excellent choice at any time of the year. But when you're trying to clean your body and get it healthy, they’re an especially good choice. Leafy greens help to move and clean your digestive tract. They're also very low calorie, good for the brain, and provide your body with essential vitamins and nutrients. Toss them in a salad, add them as a side, or blend them into a smoothie. It doesn't matter how you get them into your diet, but adding them will definitely make a big difference.
Spring is a great time to add fruit into your menu. There’s something about the warm weather that makes fruit incredibly appealing. And fruit is also a great choice for helping to clean your body. Depending on which kind of fruit you choose, you'll get healthy blasts of various vitamins and nutrients. Fruit is also often filled with water, which can further help to clean your digestive tract and hydrate the body. Choose your favorites, whether it be berries, melons, or citrus, and enjoy the delicious flavor while boosting your health and diet all at the same time.
Spring cleaning is a great idea, and it's an even better idea when you think about spring cleaning your body. Use these foods to get you moving down the right path. They can help improve your diet, clean your body, and get you moving toward a healthier lifestyle in no time at all.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Carrollton, Tex.