Smart Ways To Give Your Brain a Rest
Resting the brain may not seem like a big deal. We may assume that every time we pause, the brain automatically gets a rest.
But as we spin along from morning to evening, navigating a lot of tasks, the brain usually gets quite a workout and sometimes it may keep right on spinning after we have shut down.
Most of us have had those days where we fielded one two many things. Then we stopped, had dinner, saw friends and tried to relax, but sometimes the brain kept right on going. We kept thinking about work, or we kept checking our phone. The day simply was not letting go.
Psychologium says yours may be telling you it needs a rest if you are having headaches or experiencing sensitivity to lights and sound, losing concentration or just simply feeling tired.
I have had these things pop up where the constant motion of the day just seemed to keep everything vibrating. With exercise, or a relaxing evening with friends, or meditation, I usually found ways to calm down.
If these signs start to pop up, don’t just shrug it off. Start looking for some ways to get some downtime.
Psychologists suggest recognizing how much we use our vision to quickly sweep in information. This is actually a complicated, high speed process that puts a lot of strain on us, even though we do it all of the time without thinking about it. They suggest that we just close our eyes and breathe, dropping back for a minute or two. That sounds almost too simple, but it actually works. All of that ongoing information pauses, and we relax.
I have been mired down in projects that seemed pretty much unfixable. But when I remembered to stop, breathe deeply and close my eyes for a few minutes, I often found everything snapping back into a better place.
They also recommend getting enough sleep, daydreaming once in a while and taking breaks.
I would add to that the reminder that we do our best work when our heads are rested and clear. So when you feel a headache coming on, make the time in whatever way it takes to start fresh.
Sometimes starting fresh can be as simple as moving outside for a quick run. Other times it may take a whole weekend away, minus phones, to sweep the decks clean. I have known a variety of people who developed their own tricks for regrouping.
One fellow that I enjoyed working with always had a special signal in the office. When he posted that flag we all knew it was time for a coffee break and some tension releasing discussion time. It always worked to clear the air and our minds.
Another worker that I learned a lot from used to suddenly announce, “Well that’s enough for today!” And out she would go, gone for the rest of the day. She was an amazingly hard worker and we always knew when she called a halt she would be back. The next morning she would be in early, moving everything ahead full speed.
Keep tab on yourself for signs of brain overload and do something about it. Find some simple ways to relax and easy ways to get away for a bit.
If you continue to experience headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, and tiredness, see your doctor to pinpoint causes for the issues.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Sharon & Nikki McCutcheon