Americans Can Learn About Better Aging From Others
By Tom Herrin
A lot of times Americans seem to feel as if they have it all figured out. They assume that knowledge is theirs, and they are in control of variables. With all of the technological advances available, there is a general feeling of comfort about the level of ability they have to determine issues regarding things such as their health. Even with all of this, that impending feeling of helplessness often overrides everything else when it comes to aging. Many believe there is little they can do to slow it or affect it in any way.
Way of Life May Contribute to Aging
Whether or not people want to admit it, the way they choose to live likely plays a big part in the way they age. As people reach even their thirties and forties, many of them begin to see signs typically associated with aging. Higher blood pressure and blood sugar are often seen. This may be accompanied by worsening cholesterol numbers. Blood supply throughout the body slows. The skin seems to have more wrinkles. Muscles and joints seem somewhat broken down.
Activity May Be Lacking
Physical activity is a necessity for people to continue to be mobile and have adequate blood flow. Attitude improves with increased activity as well. Blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol can all be improved with a combination of a good diet and exercise. The Japanese may hold the current record for longevity among their population. One of the things they are known for is more fish in their diet. This means a higher level of omega-3, which seems to show up in many studies as a boost for health in general.
Make Decisions and Changes
If you want to do something about aging, make some good decisions. This relates to exercise, diet, and rest. They may all go hand-in-hand. The important thing is to decide and then follow through. Too many people decide and then talk about it from then on. Don’t talk about it, do something as soon as you make a decision. If you decide to get more exercise, start walking today. If you decide to change your diet, go to the market right now and make changes the next meal. Many other cultures have something to offer in the way of better eating. Check it out. Start your program to slow aging right now. It is something you can probably have success with.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Corpus Christi, Tex.