Failing in the Small Things May Be Bad for Health
By Tom Herrin
Nobody wants to be a failure, but many do so with their health for no reason except that they become apathetic. In this age of convenience, it is pretty easy to get caught up in whatever can make life simpler. While that is good for lots of things, it can also complicate the efforts to improve health. Many may be thinking that they can save physical stress by taking it easy. This ignores the fact that people require movement in order to stay as healthy as possible. Without some kind of exercise, body parts that need them may deteriorate. The heart is a muscle that needs to work more at times in order to function at its best. Many other parts also benefit from increased blood flow that is caused by simple exercise.
Age Should Not Be An Excuse
Many people look for excuses regarding just about anything and everything. Exercise is really no different. While there are some who are limited in what they can do, most people are quite capable but tend to look for whatever is the easiest way to do things. That can eventually come back to haunt them. It has been estimated that, of those 65 or older, fewer than 20 get the amount of exercise that is recommended. That recommendation is only about 2 1/2 hours per week of moderate exercise. That averages to less than 30 minutes per day. If that is all it takes to help maintain blood pressure, prevent heart disease and some cancers, it is well worth the extra movement.
Exercise Can Help Avoid Depression
Many people suffer from some kind of depression. Whether it is from relationship problems, finances, or something else, it is common and often debilitating. A little exercise can go a long way towards keeping people mentally, as well as physically, healthy. A study from the American Journal of Psychiatry indicated that those who were sedentary were 44 percent more likely to develop depression than those who were active only one to two hours per week.
Finding Ways to Add a Few Steps May Boost Health
I try to think of simple ways to do more with my efforts. The little things we do on a regular basis may be turned into some pretty good opportunities for exercise. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking a couple of laps around the supermarket, or walking to the corner store may all add up to those few extra minutes that can keep us healthier.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Corpus Christi, Tex.