Keep Moving for Better Health
By Stephen R. Farris
One of the best roads to maintaining good health is to keep moving. This means instead of laying around or sitting the majority of your day you should be getting in some type of exercise or exertive movement.
For instance, you could take a brisk 10- to 15-minute walk a couple of times per day, or you could arrive at work and park far away from the building entrance and walk the short distance (or long, depending on how big the parking lot is). You could opt to take the stairs at work instead of the elevator or escalator.
Doing simple chores around the house -- if you're like me there's always something that needs cleaning or fixing -- like sweeping and mopping, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, etc. Basically, anything that will keep your body in motion.
Along with all this movement, you might experience the occasional aches and pains, especially as we grow older. You might tweak your knee while climbing those stairs or from something as simple as stepping off a curb. There may be times you feel a strain or pull in your back, or your joints become more sore than usual after working in the yard or from exercising.
When this happens more than normal and doesn't seem to let up fast enough, then it might be time to visit your local chiropractor.
Your local chiropractor can provide you with an all natural, noninvasive, and non-addictive treatment to help relieve the pain you're feeling. Some of the benefits from chiropractic treatment include:
- Increased range of motion
- Increased flexibility and performance
- Reduced recovery time
- Natural pain relief from joint soreness
So when pain gets you down, get back into the swing of life the drug-free way through chiropractic care.
If you're feeling pain in your feet, ankles, legs, hips and lower back region a licensed doctor of chiropractic medicine, such as the ones found at The Joint Chiropractic can help give you relief.
The Joint Chiropractic has more than 600 nationwide locations and are expanding, so there's bound to be one near you. No appointment is necessary to speak to one of their professional doctors of chiropractic medicine on staff. Just walk right in.
If you're worried about insurance copays, no need as The Joint Chiropractic offers several treatment options that are friendly to your pocketbook.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Dallas, Tex.