At-Home Exercises For Better Spine Health
When you think about the different components of your body that you need to take care of for optimal and total health and wellness, are you taking your spinal column into consideration? It may seem silly or unusual to place focus on the spinal column when it comes to getting and staying healthy, but the truth is that your spine is often responsible for a lot more of what is going on in your body than you may be aware of, at least initially. After all, the spinal column is where communication between the body and the brain is facilitated, so for this reason alone it is really crucial to make sure that the spine is properly protected and taken care of on a regular basis.
This is even more true if you are currently dealing with any form of upper or lower back pain, neck pain, or joint stiffness, since the spinal column is more than likely responsible for your discomfort, at least partially. One of the most helpful and beneficial ways that you can take care of your spinal column is by performing some basic stretches and exercises on a daily basis. Here are a few easy ones that I read about in a helpful article by U.S. News Health; you may want to start practicing them as soon as you can for better spine health sooner.
At the most basic level, chiropractors agree that it is always a good idea to stand up and stretch to break up long periods of time where you are sitting. As you stand, imagine a feeling of lengthening upwards in your spine, and roll you shoulder blades back and together for an added spinal strength exercise. You can also try performing a few Wall Angels in order to strengthen the muscles in between your shoulder blades. Stand with your head and back flat against a wall, feet wide apart. Raise your arms out to your sides at shoulder height and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle, making sure that your shoulders, arms, and the backs of your palms are still touching the wall.
You can easily stretch and strengthen your spine at home while watching TV, waiting for dinner to be finish cooking, or after any long period of little to no movement on your part. Be sure to ask your doctor of chiropractic about any further recommendations that he or she may have for strengthening the health of the spine.
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