3 Easy Ways to Incorporate Baby Into Your Workout
By Genevieve Cunningham
If you have children, then you already understand the concept of limited time. Once kids enter the picture, time passes faster than almost anything else (besides money). That can make it very difficult to fit in a good workout. Luckily, baby may be more of an asset than you realize. If you prepare, you may be able to incorporate your baby into the workout, and both of you can have fun while you get fit. To get you started and give you some ideas, check out these easy ways to add baby to the workout mix.
Let’s Go for a Stroll
Babies love to stroll. Take advantage of this fact. Strap that baby in a stroller or a body wrap, and go for a walk. Unless you have done it previously, you may not even realize the amount of added work that this puts into the workout. Baby likely weighs between 10 and 20 pounds, and many strollers weigh between 20 and 30. Pushing that around is almost like pushing around another person. You’ll love the walk and baby will too.
A Heavy, Squirmy Weight
If you have kids, then you already know that they can get really heavy really fast. Use this to your advantage. Pick little ones up and use them as a weight. Adding 10, 15, or even 20 pounds to your squats or plank is much more challenging than you realize. Plus, your little one is likely to think that this approach to fitness is a lot of fun.
Let’s Play
One of the benefits of having kids is getting to play all over again. If your kids are big enough, take them out and chase them around. This will expend much more energy than you think. Most likely, you will be worn out in about 10 minutes. Not only will you be able to burn some calories, but you’ll get to spend quality time with your little ones. As an added bonus, you will also get to teach your children the importance of doing things as a family. It’s a win-win-win!
A new baby doesn’t have to mean that life just stops. It just changes, and in most ways, it changes for the better. This includes your fitness life. With a few new techniques, you can stay in shape with baby in tow. Learn to add baby to your life, and you may be setting yourself and your little one up for ultimate fitness success.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Euless, Tex.