Smart Ways to Make Yourself Irreplaceable at Work
By Sandy Schroeder
Most of us know someone at work who is considered invaluable. Their work, knowledge, or abilities, put them in the enviable position of being very hard to be replaced, just where you want to be.
Becoming a key figure that everybody depends on can be very satisfying as it validates your efforts. It also puts you in a comfort zone with more job security and it could result in raises and promotions. So how do you get there?
Forbes offers some tips on becoming invaluable.
Give it your best shot - People who become invaluable are often the ones who show up early, stay late, and really help to get the work done. You don't have to live at your job, but it helps if they know you can be counted on when a little extra help is needed.
Be a little bit amazing - If you always come up with new ideas, step up to take on new tasks without being asked, and volunteer for projects that nobody wants to do, your stock is sure to appreciate. It is hard to beat that kind of effort.
Key in on a special area or skill - Watch for openings when someone in a key area or with a particular skill leaves. See if you can replace them. Also watch for new directions or projects to get in on the ground floor. Get to know a variety of people throughout your company to be ready when opportunities come up.
Dig deep to do work that matters - Many people strive to stay busy and not make waves, but the ones who do the work the company depends on for success are the ones who will be noticed. Go after those projects first.
Make it a point to help your boss - Making your boss' job easier is a good place to start to become invaluable. Make it a point to know what your boss needs and do your best to help him get it.
Go beyond your position - Master a language that is not required such as HTML, web coding or Mandarin, or figure out the best formula for handling difficult customers. Special people skills or technical abilities are always valued.
Be a thinker - Look for different perspectives on the job as you learn more about your company. Providing new ideas with real depth is always welcome and will be noted.
Value your team - Supporting the boss is good, but being a real team player counts too. Help others whenever you can and help to move the team along in any way that you can.
Work often becomes a lot more interesting and fun when you set out to become irreplaceable. Try a few of these tips and see what happens.
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