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Why You Should Always Be Honest With Your Doctor

By Sandy Schroeder

Just how candid are you with your doctor? It can be very tempting to glide over embarrassing information, or minimize one's bad habits, but that can be dangerous. In an effort to cover one's tracks, patients can be covering up lifesaving information, according to

Wherever possible, keep your doctor informed about your  mental and physical health, habits, diet and fitness. The more complete the picture the more help the doctor can be.

Here's a closer look at some of the information that you should share with your doctor.

Say so if you take supplements - Your doctor will know if those supplements link to any medications that you are taking. Simply bring up the supplements when you verify your current medication list with your doctor.

Your diet and exercise are lagging - It is easy to nod and agree when you discuss menus and fitness with your doctor, but being brutally honest will give your doctor a chance to help you with the best suggestions, and provide safety tips to avoid future issues. Both food and fitness are key issues for your overall health. Get the full benefit of your doctor's input.

Discuss online questions - Yes, we all browse the internet when new symptoms pop up, but the problem arises when we do not follow through and discuss everything with the doctor. You may be needlessly worrying, or be misinformed. Take a minute to discuss the issue and clear the air.

Report stool or urine changes - If there is blood in either, tell your doctor to catch colorectal cancer early.

Do a full disclosure - Time tends to blur memory and medical history reports, but your doctor needs to know everything to connect all of the dots and make the best assessments for your future. If you have a new doctor, take a moment to make sure there is a complete medical history available, and jot down a brief timeline of your major medical events.

Discuss depression - It's OK to say you are sad, anxious or depressed. Your doctor can refer you to a therapist or prescribe short-term medication. Sometimes just talking about it will make it clearer and lead to help with overall physical health, appetite, headaches or stomachaches. In the past, mental issues were often covered up or minimized, but now most people welcome help.

Say so if you have stopped a medication - I know many people who think nothing of accepting a prescription and then dismissing it or taking it intermittently. If you really have objections to a medication, say so when it is being prescribed. Then be willing to try it after your doctor prescribes it. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results. If you bail out without telling your doctor, you may be putting yourself in more danger than you realize.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Euless, Tex.

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