How Small Steps Become Big Projects
By Sandy Schroeder
Sometimes our dreams seem too far away, but we need to remember everything that is worth doing really starts with the first step.
Think of projects that you have made happen, or goals that became realities. Each one probably started with the glimmer of an idea that gradually took shape and then blossomed into reality. tells us to take those small steps to make the bigger ones happen.
Don’t Demand Too Much Too Quickly
Our society loves speed, often asking for instant results that may not happen. Giving ideas a chance to jell, doing the homework to learn more, and uncovering new sources can all be smart steps to justify a project. Take the time to lay the groundwork to make success more likely. If you look closely, the people who are the most successful, may have been working for quite some time to make their ideas a reality.
Spread Out Your Efforts
Most of us have all sorts of ideas that come and go. Keep a notebook and jot yours down. Use that running list to look for more information, contacts, and related ideas. That’s how ideas gain momentum and projects actually come about. The more ideas, thoughts, and discussions you contribute, the more likely you will connect with a few really good ones.
Divide Your Goals into Workable Parts
Our projects often start out as simple dreams or sketchy creations. Take the time to pin down the project and divide it into workable goals. The more effort you put into structuring the more likely you will come up with good working material. Sometimes the best groups work that way. One guy is a blue sky dreamer who launches an idea. Another guy sees the possibilities and starts outlining the goals, and finally many more people show up to fill in the blanks.
Be Willing to Work Hard
The people that I have known who really achieved their goals were willing to show up and work hard. As leaders they were constantly looking for inspiration and talent. On the project, they were willing to work right alongside everybody else, putting in the time to get everything done. Over the years, those people did see many of their dreams become realities. I watched one fellow start with a small office in a large company. He went on to develop a multi-million dollar research center within that company with really good ideas and lots of serious effort.
Wherever you are, or want to be, give your dreams room to happen as you invest the time and effort.
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