All About Your Multi-Talented Chiropractor!
There’s a common misconception that chiropractors are only good for treating back and neck pain. Let’s set it straight: the word “chiropractic” is derived from words meaning “done by the hand,” not “done on the back” or “done on the neck.” Chiropractic has become known as a method of care that values and encourages the natural healing abilities of the body, and the optimization of the body’s ability to heal itself.
Chiropractors treat patients with a myriad of conditions, ranging from (yes) neck and back pain to migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual cramps, high blood pressure, kidney stones, carpal tunnel syndrome and even constipation.
With their knowledge of how the body works, chiropractors are able to examine patients, have a thorough consultation regarding symptoms and symptom history, and arrive at a working diagnosis. It is less “done by the hand” than “a hands-on approach.” Spinal adjustment is not the only tool of chiropractors - in fact, some chiropractors don’t use it at all.
After arriving at a diagnosis, chiropractors use their intellect, education and experience to create an appropriate treatment plan. This may include adjustments but also proper diet, exercise, and supplementation, or the application of supportive tape or bracing to damaged joints or muscles. Your chiropractor can also order diagnostic imaging, blood tests, or refer you to another clinician or specialist.
There is currently a significant push for an expanded role for chiropractors in the health care market. Chiropractic care is increasingly being covered by insurance as more and more studies demonstrate that it works. It’s a low cost, low risk, highly effective treatment method for all kinds of ailments - yes, we need more chiropractors!
No, your chiropractor is not a “back doctor” or a “neck doctor.” It is a shame that the profession has been pigeon-holed in this way by so many. It is time for the public to understand that chiropractors can treat knees, ankles, ear infections, stomach problems, shoulder injuries, chronic pain conditions, and more.
Next time you have a health complaint, consider calling your chiropractor and asking if he or she can help. You may be surprised to find that they can, with their “hands on, drug free” approach. This method of care allows chiropractors to get to the root cause of your symptoms and fix the problem without side effects or other potential risks. Can your conventional medical doctor, with his arsenal of pills and shots, promise you that? I don’t think so - and that’s why I call my chiropractor first when I have a health problem. Give it a try - you have nothing to lose, and optimal functioning to gain.