Chiropractic Care and Other Natural Ways to Relieve Colic
There is nothing pleasant about the sense that your baby is in constant pain or distress, as is the case with colic. Colic characterized by constant irritability, which is often manifested by crying, unwillingness to feed, and general signs of discomfort. There are many suspected causes for colic, such as lactose intolerance, gas, structural weakness in the diaphragm area, or nerve dysfunction. These can all create discomfort for a newborn, but studies show that nerve dysfunction from spinal misalignment could be one of the main causes.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Colic
In 1989, researchers studied 316 babies with varying degrees of colic. They received chiropractic care, and their moms recorded changes in their symptoms over the course of the treatment. At the end, 94% of the infants showed marked improvement. The study was repeated in 1999 with similar results.
If your child is suffering from colic, chiropractic care could be the answer. Spinal misalignment brings about nerve irritation, which can cause pain or other distress for your baby. With careful spinal adjustment, this may be corrected.
Other Solutions
It is still possible that your baby’s colic is due to other causes. Some additional solutions include:
- Eliminating certain foods: Some of the foods that you are eating may cause your baby distress if you breastfeed them. These include carbonated drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, tea, caffeinated drinks, acidic fruits, lentils, peas, beans, and chocolate. Also, it is possible that cow’s milk may be causing problems, since many people are prone to being at least somewhat allergic to it.
- Proper feeding technique: The wrong breastfeeding technique can make it harder for your baby to feed. It may be as simple as visiting a lactation consultant to correct the problem.
- Stomach massages: A massage may help relax your baby’s stomach. Lay your baby stomach down on your arm, head in your elbow and legs dangling out on either side of your hand. With your other hand, gently stroke downward on your baby’s navel. Start under the ribs and massage toward the bellybutton.
- Burping: Newborns need time to digest and expel gas, so it is important to give them time to burp. You can help the process along by sitting them on your lap, putting your hand on their chest, and lifting them slightly. This relieves pressure and makes burping easier.
- Herbal mixtures: There are a number of natural herbal options available for colic. Homeopathic remedies like gripe water can help your baby’s digestion and reduce internal irritation.
Chiropractic care is a great option for your baby, but if that doesn’t soothe away your baby’s colic, these other methods can calm their distress.