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5 Reasons to Make Eggs Your Top Breakfast Choice

How many times have you been told not to eat too many eggs because they will raise your cholesterol levels? It is true that most health experts and articles speak against consuming too many eggs. Now research has found that eating eggs for breakfast is actually good for your health.

Here’s why you should trade your bowl of cereal for a plate of eggs each morning.

Eggs Put You in a Better Mood

Eggs are full of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, B vitamins, and iodide. These nutrients all help you to fight fatigue and put you in a better mood. Because eggs are full of protein, they will also keep you from experiencing that mid-morning blood sugar dip, which most people feel after eating a carb-heavy breakfast.

They Protect Your Muscles

Eggs also contain a healthy dose of vitamin B12 and a lot of protein. A diet rich in protein protects the muscles, while B12 helps muscle contraction.

Women Have a Lower Chance at Breast Cancer

Research has found that women who eat high levels of choline were 24 percent less likely to develop breast cancer. One egg, more specifically, the egg yolk, contains 30 percent of the daily recommendation of choline.

Better Brain Food

The choline in eggs also helps keep your brain sharp. Eggs also help increase the release of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter allows your brain to store and recall information faster and better. Organic eggs or eggs from chickens that are raised on green pastures have been found to contain more omega-3s, meaning more nutrients for the brain.

Eggs Help You Slim Down

Don’t think that eating eggs for breakfast will cause you to gain weight. Even though eggs do contain higher numbers of fat grams per serving then bagels or cereal, eggs will help you lose weight. Louisiana State University researchers discovered that obese individuals that chose an egg breakfast over a bagel breakfast five times a week, lost 65 percent more weight. That is a lot! Eating eggs first thing in the morning also keeps insulin levels stable and keeps individuals fuller longer.

Eggs Protect Your Eyes

The final reason to eat eggs this morning is to protect your eye sight. Eggs contain lutein, which is an essential antioxidant that keeps macular degeneration and cataracts away.

Eggs are an easy and healthy breakfast. You can scramble several eggs in less than five minutes. Just remember to eat the yolks, since just eating egg whites will not give you the same health benefits.

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Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Helen Penjam

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