Healthy Reasons to Enjoy a Big Breakfast
If breakfast is one of your favorite meals, there’s no reason to feel guilty. In fact, there is a whole list of reasons why a good sized healthy breakfast will put you on the right track and keep you there all day.
Sailing out the door with a bagel in your hand is all too easy to do when it’s late and there is a whole day ahead with meetings and tasks demanding attention. But if you really want to give them the best version of you, you may need to make the time to eat healthy first. Try getting up fifteen minutes earlier, or lining up the ingredients the night before.
Key Reasons To Make It Happen
Lifehack tells us skipping breakfast can sabotage mood, energy, and will power, just like that. It can also lead to weight gain and dips in health.
Eating a mushroom filled omelette and a bowl of fresh berries, or choosing a healthy bowl of oats topped with yogurt and raisins, plus cranberry juice and whole wheat toast, will not only make you smile but it will boost your metabolism and help stabilize your weight. That healthy breakfast will erase those ‘starving before lunch’ moments and furtive donut snatches. Instead, all of that energy making fuel could propel you through the morning meeting, and then keep right on going, backing up your productivity and concentration all day long.
I have tried this both ways, and the mornings without enough good breakfast foods usually turn out to be a disaster. The box of donuts at work scores a direct hit, and then the added cups of espresso take it from there to make everything more intense but less focused.
In total contrast, when I whip up an egg frittata or go for a peanut butter banana smoothie, I see a lot more smiles (probably because I am smiling too) and life moves right along.
Of course there will be condensed mornings where you still need the healthy meal, but time is at a premium. Real Simple suggests a few ways to eat healthy on the run. Fruit, a couple ounces of cheddar, and a few walnuts sealed into a plastic bag. Peanut Butter Waffles travel well. Top the peanut butter with raisins, sesame seeds or extra peanuts. Huevos Rancheros head off to work with a whole wheat tortilla holding a slice of Canadian bacon, half ounce of cheese and a tablespoon of salsa.
However you manage to pull off the big breakfast, give it a test run for a week, and enjoy the boost.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Frédérique Voisin-Demery