Your Phone, Neck, and The Painful Connection
By Genevieve Cunningham
There are very few people in today’s world that go without their phones. These tiny devices are all but glued to our hands at this point. While this brings some great benefits to our lives, such as quick and endless information, it also brings some negative aspects, such as a bad neck. The fact is that our phones and our necks are connected in a very painful way. Take a look at these ways in which your phone is causing your neck harm, followed by what you can do about it.
That Frustrating Text Neck
This probably sounds like some imaginary condition that doesn’t really exist, but text neck is so prevalent, doctors are treating it as a real, substantial condition. So what is it? As it turns out, people are using their phones so often, their necks are spending inordinate amounts of time in the bent position. This can cause pain in the neck, but it is also causing permanent curvature of the spine. So we’re literally changing the natural shape of the spine, all because we’re addicted to those little electronic boxes.
The Lack of Motivation to Move
It’s no secret that our phones keep is fairly inactive. In the past, boredom might lead to us taking a walk, going outside, completing chores, or just looking for an activity to pass the time. Now? All we have to do is turn on our phones for endless entertainment. While there are definitely some advantages to having so much information, this keeps us incredibly inactive, which then means poor health and the pain and stiffness that comes with immobility and inactivity.
Chiropractic Care and How It Might Help
So, besides ditching the phones, what else can we do to improve the health of our necks? A great place to start is at the chiropractic clinic. Think about it … chiropractors focus on the health of the spine, which is exactly where our phones are doing the most damage. The chiropractor may be able to eliminate misalignments of the vertebrae of the spine, which allows for proper spinal alignment as a whole, less pain, and better general health. Since phones are now a staple of our everyday lives, using this as a way to manage the disadvantages of constant phone use may help you achieve the best of both worlds.
If you would like to use chiropractic care to protect your neck, check out The Joint Chiropractic. You’ll get to work with professional and friendly chiropractors, and you can use their walk-in visits and affordable pricing plan to get care with ease. Most of us are unlikely to stop our phone use anytime soon, but we can still protect our health with the right precautions. Get the care you need by visiting The Joint as soon as today.