Tips for Quitting Your Tobacco Habit for Good
If you watch any old television or movies, you’ll probably see cigarettes being smoked freely, and in some instances even advertised by the actors themselves. Once upon a time, we didn’t really know just how bad tobacco products really were for our bodies.
In today’s world, however, there is no excuse for using tobacco. We know way too much to continue to smoke or use other forms of tobacco. Even though we know how bad it is, quitting is tough! If you have a tobacco problem, but would like to kick the habit for good, check out these tips.
Replace Your Habit
Whether you use cigarettes or some form of smokeless tobacco, half of the battle in quitting is quitting the habit. The actual physical habit of walking outside and smoking or placing a dip in your mouth is hard to break. The habit is often linked to moments in life. For example, you may light up when you feel stressed or embark on a new project. When you try to quit, these moments are some of the hardest. Instead of just stopping, pick up a new habit instead. Reach for a piece of gum or hard candy instead of a cigarette. Every time you get the urge to smoke or use tobacco, do a quick stretching routine. It doesn’t matter which habit you pick up. The important thing is to have a replacement to fall back on when the urge arises.
Tell Everyone
There is something about everyone knowing that makes the experience more real. It helps to hold you accountable. If everyone knows that you are quitting, it is a lot harder to fail in front of them. Go ahead and tell them your plan before you start, and ask those that you love to help keep you on track. This gives you an extra incentive and some additional support for those times when the craving strikes.
Get a Tobacco Free Buddy
Like in almost everything, getting a partner to do something with makes it a hundred times easier. Find a buddy to take on the task of quitting together. If you smoke, it is likely that you know someone else that smokes as well. Get on the same page, and do it together. You’ll have more motivation and you can keep each other motivated. Always remember too that if one of you slips, just pick up and start over. It’s not the end of the world. Just rededicate yourself and get back on track.
Being tobacco free really is the way to be. Even though it sounds cliche, giving up tobacco for good can bring a huge amount of healthy benefits to your life. Use these tips to give up your vice and alive the healthiest life possible.
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Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Henning Klokkeråsen