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Gut Healthy Groceries for Your Shopping List

By Sara Butler

You've probably heard a lot about gut health -- and for good reason. It's now known that the health of your gut has a big impact on your overall health, impacting everything from your mood to your immune system. The bacteria that live in your gut need a good environment to thrive and you can give them what they want with the foods you eat. Here are a few food items to incorporate into your grocery list that help to naturally promote healthy gut bacteria and keep things balanced for continued gut health.

What's In a Food?

There's no single foot out there that can eliminate your risk for disease or keep things peachy keen all the time in your gut. But there are foods that can help to optimize the health of your gut. These foods are teeming with vitamins, good bacteria, and omega-3 fatty acids to help contribute to an environment where healthy gut bacteria thrive.


Probably the most popular foods for the health of your gut is yogurt. That's because yogurt is full of live, active cultures of gut-friendly bacteria -- also called probiotics. But not all yogurt is created equal. It's important to buy plain yogurt without a lot of added sugar and add in your own flavorings. Fresh fruit or granola are two great add-ins that won't detract from the gut-healthy goodness of the yogurt you're eating.


Do you love sauerkraut? Then keep on eating it! If you don't, then it's time to give it another try. That's because foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi that have been fermented are incredibly good for your gut. They contain Lactobacillus bacteria, microorganisms that help to reduce the number of bad bacteria in your gut and replace it with the good kind. This can help to reduce uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms too, such as indigestion.


You should really go wild for wild-caught salmon. That's because aside from being a great source of protein, it's also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that can help your body fight back against chronic inflammation. That's vital to help an inflamed gut heal and prevent future episodes that can lead to other health problems.

Gut health is essential to overall health, so make sure you have what your gut needs the next time you hit the store.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Katy, Tex.

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