Avoid These Common Push-Up Mistakes
By Sara Butler
Push-ups are an exercise people continue to do for one simple reason: They produce results. In fact, the humble push-up is one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do for your core, glutes, arms, back, and chest. Even if you've not quite perfected a full push-up, there are still benefits to doing the modified version. The only thing that may be holding your push-up game back is a few common mistakes. Here are a few of them you can focus on in order to improve your push-ups and reap all their benefits.
Mistake No. 1: Your Hips Sag
You do push-ups to tone, but if you have sagging hips, then you won't be getting all you could from the exercise. It helps if you think about a push-up as a plank with movement. As you are likely familiar, planks work because you hold your body in a straight line, keeping your core muscles engaged. If you don't have enough strength in your core to do this, then the first thing that starts to sag is your hips. While that may help you to complete the movement, it puts a lot of stress and strain on the lower back. Plus, sagging hips will not help to build the core strength you're currently lacking.
To fix this, pay attention to the position of your hips as you do push-ups. Your tailbone should remain tucked and the hips kept in line with the shoulders. If you don't currently have the core strength to pull this move off, then you should place your hands on an elevated surface that allows you to do the full push-up with good form.
Mistake No. 2: Only Doing Partial Reps
Remember, the goal of doing any exercise is to build strength by going through the exercise's entire range of motion. If you do a push-up only part of the way, then you aren't building strength for the entire exercise motion and you'll never reach your push-up goals.
If you really struggle to lower your chest all the way to the ground and push all the way back up, then modify the exercise. You can start out with bend-knee push-ups or elevate your hands.
If you have questions about how to do a push-up properly, then talk to the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic today. They'll be happy to discuss proper form to make sure you're doing it right!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Katy, Tex.