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Take a Stand for Fall With Chiropractic and Yoga

By Sandy Schroeder

Everybody wants to get off to a good start as fall approaches and one of the best ways may be to team chiropractic with yoga.

Stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic in your community and find out how their doctors of chiropractic can help you get comfortable with your fall fitness.

Let Chiropractic Mobilize Fall

You will learn how a healthy spine often plays into improved health. The spine mobilizes us through the day's activities, and the central nervous system housed inside provides all of the brain-to-body communication that our body needs. When everything is working, we work better too.

Gentle targeted spinal adjustments may relieve minor aches and pains, and energize your everyday activities. Many individuals say discovering chiropractic was the best thing that they could have done to establish good fitness habits.

Weekly 15-minute spinal adjustments often serve as a platform for the most effective daily fitness workouts. Your chiropractor will help you explore options that appeal to you like running, dancing, yoga or tai chi. Your chiropractor will also monitor your progress, catching any glitches before they become real problems.

Stand Up to Everything With Yoga

A favorite workout of mine uses stand-up yoga poses that I can do anywhere throughout the day. Mid-morning, right after lunch, or mid-afternoon, these poses keep me alert and focused. They also work when I am pressed for time, or tired from traveling. See what you think of this standing yoga flow of poses. You won't need a mat or a private yoga spot, and you can do as many or as few as you wish to keep your mind and body in touch. Try these samples.

Classic mountain pose - Stand up straight. Put hands on hips and slightly bend the knees. Inhale and rise up with fingers pointed down and tailbone tucked in. Raise arms to the sky; lower and repeat.

Use a tree pose for balance - Stand with weight pressed into the left big toe. Put the right sole into your left calf or thigh and hold the one-legged pose. Use a chair or wall to maintain balance if needed. When you feel confident, inhale and raise both hands to the heart. Then lower to standing. Repeat on the other side.

As fall approaches, take control and stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic in your community. Discover affordable personal healthcare plans or packages that eliminate the hassle of insurance. Clinics are open weekends and evenings, and nationwide there is a network of over 475 clinics ready to help you when you are traveling. As always, walk-ins are welcome.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in League City, Tex.

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