How to Be Savvy About Salt
By Sandy Schroeder
You may have hidden the salt shaker, but most of us take in way more than the 2,300 mg. per day that is allowed, which is about one tablespoon of salt. Most of it is hidden, according to Easy Health Options.
To control your salt intake, look at these salt traps.
When you are eating out - Most of the salt we consume comes from restaurant meals and packaged food. Ask for low sodium dishes, never add salt, and skip the salty fries.
Salty snacks - Wow! One ounce of plain potato chips provides 50 to 200 mgs of sodium. Then imagine how much more salt is added when you dip the chips in salsa. Switch to unsalted nuts, grapes, seeds, pretzels or celery and carrot sticks.
Tomato sauce or juice - A cup of canned tomato juice provides about 800 mg of sodium. Eat fresh tomatoes or look for low-sodium canned choices.
Pickled foods and juices - Three ounces of pickle juice provides about 900 milligrams of sodium. Sauerkraut and kimchi are in the same league. Switch to lemons, limes, oranges, pineapple juice and vinegar
Frozen meals - Cut back on those frozen dinners and burritos and look for choices with 600 mg of sodium or less.
Bread - A slice of bread has 80 to 230 mg of sodium. Whole grain breads have less sodium. Switch to salads with bits of tuna or beef mixed in or do open-faced sandwiches.
Deli meats - Salami, pastrami, corned beef, ham, hotdogs, sausage and bacon are all loaded with salt. Choose chicken, fish and lean beef.
Canned soups - Low sodium canned soups provide 700 mg and regular canned soups can add 1,000 mg. Start making your own with fresh vegetables and herbs such as basil, rosemary or thyme.
Pizza - Fresh or frozen, the sodium is high. A frozen four ounce slice deliver as much as 700 mg. A fresh slice is even more. Skip the stuffed crust and choose veggies over sausage.
Condiments - Cut back on salad dressings, catsup and soy sauce and try low sodium lemon juice or vinegar and herbs such as rosemary, basil, thyme and garlic.
Cheese - Make low sodium choices like fresh mozzarella, goat or Swiss cheese and cut back on processed and hard cheeses and cottage cheese. A half cup of cottage cheese has 450 mg.
As you cut back on salt, you may find your favorite salty fries taste too salty. You may need less salt to be satisfied and your body will be happy too as it retains less water.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in League City, Tex.