How to Pack and Move Safely
By Donna Stark
The housing market is hot right now, but what isn't hot is the toll that a move can take on your body if you aren't careful. It's important to plan accordingly and use caution when packing your things because there is nothing worse than trying to settle into a new home while nursing an injury that could have been prevented. If a new home is in your near future and you need to do the bulk of the packing, take a look at the following tips from your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic.
Eliminate, Eliminate, Eliminate
It would be to your benefit to go through your things, either before or while packing, and eliminate some of the stuff you bring to your new home. If you plan to do this well in advance, you may even have time to sell a lot of the items and make some money on the side. Otherwise, you can donate to your family, friends, or local charities. Decreasing the number of items you need to pack will save you time, lighten your workload, and reduce your risk of injury.
Use Box Alternatives
Do you have a collection of books at home that you don't want to part with? Have you thought about how you are going to pack them up? Lining up a ton of books in a box may seem like the way to go, but when you go to lift the box, you might regret that decision. Instead, use something other than a flimsy box to carry them in. Suitcases with wheels work great in this situation. Load up the bag, zip it closed, and walk it up into your moving truck. There will be little to no lifting involved!
Buy Boxes With Handles
You've been collecting boxes over the past couple of months, but did you make sure they have handles cut into them? If not, you will want to head out and get some! Cardboard boxes with pre-cut handles can make lifting and carrying easier and will lower the risk of losing your balance and getting hurt.
Stretch Before You Start
It's important to stretch your body well before you engage in any of the packing, lifting, carrying, loading, and unpacking. This will help keep your joints flexible and your muscles relaxed. It's also a great way to reduce your stress because you can collect your thoughts and strategize about what needs to be done during the session.
Packing and Moving Safely
Keep the pain away during one of the most stressful times in your life. Follow the simple tips above and get ready for a pain-free move and easy transition into your brand-new home! Good luck!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lubbock, Tex.