How to Really Tone Up & Get Awesome Definition
Have you ever heard the term “skinny fat”? This is a real and often used term used to describe a certain look. For the most part, it describes people that are small and seem to be at the appropriate weight, but completely lack any sort of muscle tone or definition. Hence they look skinny, but also soft and fat. While some people may like the look, most people are going for a much stronger and sculpted body. If you want to lose weight and get in shape without the dreaded skinny fat look, use these tips in your every day workout.
Lift, Lift, Lift
It’s pretty simple really. If you want strong and tone muscles, you need to lift weights. Lifting weights helps build strength in the muscles, and it also helps to build the muscles themselves, making them bigger and sculpted. A great way to add weights is to hit the weight room at the local gym, but if you are not ready for this step (since it can be a little bit intimidating), try adding hand held weights or kettlebells to your normal routine. These types of weights will still challenge, tone, and strengthen the muscles to help provide definition to the body.
Easy on Cardio
It can be tempting to jump straight for the cardio when it is time to exercise. That’s what many of us immediately think of...running, walking, aerobics, etc. But, too much cardio and not enough strength training may result in a lack of muscle definition even if the number on the scale is falling. It’s important to do some cardio, sure, but make sure that it is done equally with exercises designed to challenge and strengthen the muscles as well.
Watch More Than Calories
It’s easy to think that since you only took in X number of calories, you must be doing great. Technically, counting calories can help you lose weight. But, what kind of calories did you take in? Were they packed with nutrients and vitamins, like in the form of fruits, vegetables, or lean meats? Or were they full of sugar or similar useless chemicals that the body doesn’t need? If you don’t take in the right kind of calories, along with the proper healthy amount for your body, then you are doing your body a disservice, and may end up with that skinny fat look.
While losing weight is great, losing weight AND sculpting the body is even better. If you want to look strong, tone, and in shape, use these tips to avoid the skinny fat look and to promote a sculpted body instead.
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Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Jonathan Rolande